God bless Arkane Studios – at least we have one more game to enjoy before the team’s forever locked in Xbox boss Phil Spencer’s first-party lair. You may recall Game Informer is running a cover story on the upcoming PlayStation 5 timed exclusive Deathloop – and here’s a lengthy look at some of the weaponry you’ll find in the forthcoming release.
There’s a lot of familiar stuff here, from shotguns to pistols, but the gunplay looks undeniably entertaining all the same. You can feel the Dishonored influence, as Colt is able to “blink” to different areas and launch enemies into the air, but some of the firearms have fun twists: you can link two foes together, for example, and take them out in one shot.
The game just looks great. Remember, while it may look like your average first-person shooter in this footage, it’s as much a puzzle game as a gun-‘em-up, as you work through the same day over and over in an attempt to put a stop to the nefarious society responsible for the timeloop you’re trapped in. Top notch stuff – we can’t wait!
[source youtube.com]
Comments 49
This made me miss dishonored more..thats the game series if its not coming to PlayStation no more im going to miss more.but you never know.deathloop looks 😎 cool.word up son
I'm excited for this, but the gun sounds in this gameplay sound really...muted? I wonder if it's just me. The shotgun in particular doesn't sound very punchy.
Can’t wait! While dishonored and prey always compelled me to play stealthily, this seems to put the excellent combat gameplay of arkane games into the limelight!
Not grabbed me yet. Need to see reviews before I decide on purchase. So far it looks okay but a bit samey to many other fps games. Really hope for more original ips this gen.
Not buying it
Microsoft won't have a penny from my wallet
I hope I end up liking this game, it's pretty much Dishonored but more Sci-Fi-ish, but for whatever reason Dishonored 2 just didn't hook me like the first game did, so I'm a little worried Deathloop won't hook me because Dishonored 2 failed to.
A unique twist on FPS shooters instead of being another Call of Duty Game? HELL YEAH!
@Classic_console ahahah microsooft bad ahhahahahaha how original
It’s crazy I’m more hyped for Deathloop than Returnal
Eh, multiplayer games like this wind up going the "dime a dozen" route. How long can you play before it starts to get boring? As opposed to a carefully crafted story and levels like the dishonored games. Another player trying to kill you just forces you to rush rush rush.
Would be more fun without the multiplayer aspect and hopefully you have an option to play with it off.
This looks brilliant. I want to wait for reviews, but i am pretty confident this will score well.
@2cents vice-versa... I'm more interested in Returnal than this. Returnal's atmosphere and frantic gameplay speaks a lot more to me... this looks OK though.
I wouldn't say freakin rad. Looks ok.
Just like The Last Of Us Part 2 huh ?
It does look good actually. The many many trailers haven’t been as good as this gameplay trailer.
Anyways cant wait till this drops on Xbox gamepass in about a year.
@ATaco Yeah there's nothing dime a dozen about this game.
And yes, you can turn it off.
Hmmmmm id say it looks OK ish, the gameplay is alot slower than those trailers showed on ps5 events maybe its just to show the weapons nothing looks that great to me so far. I probs feel more disappointed after seeing this video
“ at least we have one more game to enjoy before the team’s forever locked in Xbox boss Phil Spencer’s first-party lair”
We still have no clarity on the ghostwire: tokyo deal that bethesda had with sony and in case of indiana jones we don’t know if disney and lucasfilms studios required that game to be multiplatform regardlass of Microsoft owning bethesda.
@darkswabber On GhostWire, that exclusivity deal is also being honored. It will launch only on PS5 and PC for a timed period just like Deathloop
I feel like Indiana Jones is too early in development that any decisions on target platforms were made at that point. I don't think we'll be hearing about that game for like another year
I just meant that they get boring very quickly if the focus is on the multiplayer. Look at other promising MP games like Evolved, where they staked everything on one gimmick.
Hearing that you can turn off the MP component does make this sound interesting but since it's so baked into the game mechanics I can't see it being enjoyable that way. It's like saying games like Borderlands or Conan Exiles are "playable single player". Sure, they are but they're definitely not as fun or even really balanced with that in mind.
@Medic_Alert Undervalued by the public? I thought Prey would've done really well for them considering the IP in question
@Medic_Alert Considering how heavily every trailer I've seen so far pushes the multiplayer component you can excuse me for thinking otherwise. It seems like they want it to be a pretty big focus to the game.
Go to their website and the first thing it says before you even click to enter the site is "single player INJECTED WITH MULTIPLAYER" in all caps, like that.
And everytime the chick would appear in trailers they would emphasize that she's controlled by another player. I actually had to go to their site to find out that MP is optional and the Assassin can be set to be played by an AI
Anyways, with that misunderstanding out of the way I am more interested in this game now. Was a big fan of the dishonored games and as long as I can still play this one in my preferred way (stealth) then I might pick this one up.
The shooting seems like it has no impact at all sometimes...I was expecting more from this
For those unfamiliar with Arkane, what this video perhaps doesn’t convey is the top notch world building that greatly flesh out these imaginative worlds. Can’t wait for this!
Il just wait for a heavy sale on this, when it comes to linear one and done games I'm not spending £60 on them unless they take longer than 20 hours to complete
@Classic_console look into renting it then or maybe buy it second hand, that Microsoft don't get a penny of your money and you still get to play the game
Hi there fellow gamers.
This game oozes cooleness and style like no other.
Arkane studios freakin rules.
I can´t wait to came up with crazy shenanigans to take out all the 8 targets at once.
Cheers, stay safe out there and happy gaming to us all
@Medic_Alert That has always been a shame to know. I adored the Dishonored franchise and am sad to see it go away, but business is business no need to moan. I do wish Arkane well in it's future endeavors, that is the studio that will be missed the most in the Microsoft acquisition, in my opinion.
But you are right their games never lit up the sales chart, and that was not due to their quality, people just where never interested for some reason. Which is why you always hear the argument that most Bethesda games do not sell. It is partially true, and from a fan of Arkane it was always sad to know of this.
Still, really happy Bethesda kept supporting the studio and franchise and allowed them to make three games in the series regardless of sales numbers.
Bland ragdoll game, if you ask me.
This game is going to be rad.
Ok, I can see the appeal now moreso than before. The 70's style narrative still doesn't click with me much, but visually and gameplay-wise this looks like a high-paced alternate Bioshock.
hmmmm graphics look odd reminds me of a dishonored bioshock? passing on this one, CMON OUTRIDERS!
It looks mediocre at best.
PlayStations deathloop? Naw it’s not ours. We’re just babysitting for the green guys ☹️
This is a bit of a double edge sword as if it sells well and reviews good there will definitely be a sequel that we won't get to play 🤷
Shooty Killy #124,893
I expect a Surprise GOTY contender
@Medic_Alert dishonored 2 wasnt very good though, not a patch on the first game.
@deathaxe they want all these studios to fill game pass with sub par games with maybe a couple of big hitters, look at grounded by obsidian, absolute garbage and total game pass fodder, microsoft will not throw millions at these devs to throw their games on a netflix for games for free ,it will be over at least a decade before any profit is made ,I'm not convinced that the multi million pound exclusives, if any, will not appear on other platforms.
@vapidwolf have you played Grounded? It’s fantastic in multiplayer. Sure they are still adding things as it was definitely released in a alpha/beta state but that is a fun game. I hope you didn’t just go off the IGN review and actually tried it yourself.
The game looks cool, and I've been intrigued since it was first announced. I am, however, concerned with the gameplay we're seeing. With the way the player aims around and shoots in the clips, I don't know if it's an inexperienced fps-player, or if the game is difficult to control/suffers from input lag. I'm definitely hoping it's the first, as the latter completely kills a game for me. Either way, they can show either improved mechanics or more experienced players before release to reassure me
I can't help thinking PS paying to keep this and Ghostwire off Xbox is a big part of why MS just outright bought Zenimax. Still waiting to see if this is on PC GamePass day one
Glad people are excited, but honestly this does absolutely nothing for me. At all.
@SegaBlueSky did you play prey?
The game looks superb, but now I'm having the difficult choice of buying this on my PS5, or being a cheap-skate and wait for it to hit Game Pass next year for my Series X...
It's either this or Returnal for me atm and I still haven't decided!
@DrJames I don't own it but played a bit and watched a friend play through it, was very impressed. But that holds a lot more interest to me on a lot of levels. The setting, overall gameplay style etc.
The "Loop" gimmick here, the general tone, uber-fast twitchy gameplay etc are all just the opposite of what I look for in a shooter. Admittedly, I'm not a big fan of the genre though.
@K1LLEGAL yeah I played it for a couple of hours, I like to do that to form an unbiased opinion,and it was crap,like most games of that type, of which their are many much better games ,oh and I don't read ign
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